Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's Official. I'm a Hunt'n Dog!

Bogie was entered in a Hunt Test the last weekend of September, 2007. He did everything that was asked of him and in return he earn his fist point on the way to earning his Junior Title. He will compete again in the ESAA Nationals in Cincinnati Ohio the first weekend in October for yet another earned point. Will let you know how that went.

Update: With temperatures in the high 80's and many distractions at the ESAA Nationals on October 8th,2007 Bogie went out to prove he deserves to be called a true hunting dog. And he DOES! He received his second ribbon for an Excellent qualifying run and with just one to go, he'll have his Junior Title by the end of the month.

Here I am with my foster mom Lisa, president of IBR, getting ready for them to give the command.

Can you tell I found my target. Just look at that beautiful point.

Even a hunting dog needs to cool off after a hard run.