Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can you help me? I'm looking for a family that understands my needs and will help me be happy forever.

I'm not too crazy about cameras.

Relaxing on the couch is always a good thing.

To see more of Bogie, visit his Facebook album by clicking on his name.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear Santa

I got to meet this big hairy guy in a funny red suit, that humans call Santa. I was told you tell him everything you want and he will bring it to you, if, you're good. Well, I'm good and I don't know if it's suppose to be a secret, but I asked Santa for a forever family that will love me and play with me and let me love them back with lots of couch sharing and wet kisses. I sure hope Santa can pull this off. Paws crossed.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Buzz Around The Yard

I've been in foster care a long time, if you look back at the beginning of my blog. BUT it wasn't because I had emotional problems, or I didn't get along with people or other animals, I had food allergies that no one knew about until they got so bad I had health issues to overcome.

Well, I've heard my foster house talking about me lately. Seems that for the most part my allergies are under control. I will always have them and I need to be careful with my diet, but hey! everyone should eat good healthy food anyway, so no big deal. With the dog food industry now making better food and with the proper guidance from IBR, it isn't really a big deal.

I'm really appreciative of IBR taking me in and getting me healthy, but it's time to move on. I love to be with other dogs. I don't have issues with cats. I love to run in the fields. I like to swim. I love to be loved by adults. No kids please! They tend to freak me out a little.

So what do you say, will you please give me the loving forever home I so deserve and at the same time let another dog take my place in foster care? There are so many waiting just to be saved, I want to give them the same chance I had. There are angels waiting to help and you can be one of them. Please help me save another dog, PLEASE!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bogie loves a fun day out in the field

Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's Official. I'm a Hunt'n Dog!

Bogie was entered in a Hunt Test the last weekend of September, 2007. He did everything that was asked of him and in return he earn his fist point on the way to earning his Junior Title. He will compete again in the ESAA Nationals in Cincinnati Ohio the first weekend in October for yet another earned point. Will let you know how that went.

Update: With temperatures in the high 80's and many distractions at the ESAA Nationals on October 8th,2007 Bogie went out to prove he deserves to be called a true hunting dog. And he DOES! He received his second ribbon for an Excellent qualifying run and with just one to go, he'll have his Junior Title by the end of the month.

Here I am with my foster mom Lisa, president of IBR, getting ready for them to give the command.

Can you tell I found my target. Just look at that beautiful point.

Even a hunting dog needs to cool off after a hard run.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wanted To Share An Update With You

It's been a while since I've updated exactly what I've been up to lately. I'm still trying to get this allergy thing under control. I do have more good days than bad, so that's a plus. But even with my allergies, I don't let it stop me from having fun. As you can see from the recent pictures, I love to be outdoors and active. I've been very fortunate to have someone that really cares about me and makes me feel like part of the family, even thou it's just temporary, it doesn't feel like it.

I may need a special diet to keep my allergies under control, but don't let that keep you from bring me into your family. It hasn't stopped me from having a full and active lifestyle.

Setters Can Do Agility!

I've heard a lot about this thing called Agility, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. At first it's a little scary, but then you realize it's just FUN and the rest is easy.

Here I am trying my feet at the Dog Walk. Then it was on to the A-Frame and Jumps. Oh! can't forget that weird black hole they call a tunnel. Then it was time to relax.

I Love The Wind In My Face And Water! I Love The Water

There's nothing better on a hot summer day than to take a dip in the lake. It's even better if you can do it with friends.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bogie's Update

It's been quite some time since an update has been written on Bogie. Since he returned to IBR with terrible allergies, he's been on the mend for the last 9 months. He's been through a lot these past months, with loosing his fur, to rashes, but that's all under control now. His allergies have been figured out, and he will need a special diet from here on out. But through it all, he's been a champ. His spirit is as high as ever and he's just as sweet as always. He's cat friendly, loves playing with other dogs, has a great interest in birds and has an awesome point.

He's willing and waiting for someone to love him as much as he wants to love someone. Could that be you?

Check out his recent playtime at a local dog park. http://ibrwauconda.blogspot.com/